December 4: Father John Kelly

December 4, 1956

Father John Kelly

Father Kelly was born on October 28, 1890 in Fort Augustus on Prince Edward Island, Canada. He attended St. Dunstan’s University at Charlottetown, Canada and the Grand Seminary in Montreal, Canada where he was ordained for the Diocese of Wichita on February 2, 1919. His first assignment was at the cathedral as assistant for two years and then at St. Patrick’s Parish, Wichita, as pastor for 20 years. During his pastorate at St. Patrick’s he opened the first parish grade school. Later assignments were St. Mary’s Hospital, Winfield; St. James Parish, Augusta; Wichita Hospital; and St. John’s Parish, Zenda. While driving his car he suffered a possible heart attack and was taken to Kingman Memorial Hospital where he died soon after receiving the Last Sacraments from Father Albers. Father Kelly was 66 years of age and was a priest for 38 years. A funeral Mass was celebrated for him by Bishop Carroll at Zenda on December 10, 1956. Like Father Frank Butler and Msgr. John Butler, who were also from Prince Edward Island, Father Kelly was buried in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.